#include "thread_pool.h" using namespace std; void _global_thread_worker_main(ThreadWorkerData* ptdd) { unique_lock ulk(ptdd->m); while(ptdd->running) { ptdd->started=true; ptdd->func(); ptdd->finished=true; ptdd->cond.wait(ulk); /// wait for new work. (will unlock ptdd->m while waiting...) } } ThreadPool::ThreadPool(int n) : left(0),busy(0),total(n) { } ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() { for(int i=0;iget_id()<m.lock(); if(dvec[i]->finished) { dvec[i]->m.unlock(); break; } else { dvec[i]->m.unlock(); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); } } dvec[i]->running=false; /// notify it dvec[i]->cond.notify_all(); /// wait for it finish. tvec[i]->join(); /// release resource delete dvec[i]; dvec[i]=nullptr; delete tvec[i]; tvec[i]=nullptr; } } int ThreadPool::start(const function& func) { if(left>0) { bool done=false; int idx=-1; for(int i=0;im.try_lock()) { /// Failed to lock. continue; } if(dvec[i]->finished) { /// Found a finished work! Now we reuse it. dvec[i]->func=func; dvec[i]->started=false; dvec[i]->finished=false; dvec[i]->running=true; dvec[i]->cond.notify_all(); done=true; idx=i; dvec[i]->m.unlock(); break; } else { dvec[i]->m.unlock(); } } if(done) { left--; busy++; return idx; } else { return -2; } } else { if(busyfunc=func; ptdd->started=false; ptdd->finished=false; ptdd->running=true; dvec.push_back(ptdd); thread* t=new thread(_global_thread_worker_main,ptdd); tvec.push_back(t); busy++; return tvec.size()-1; } else { /// Check if we can reuse finished thread for(int i=0;im.try_lock()) { /// Failed to lock. continue. continue; } if(dvec[i]->finished) { left++; busy--; } dvec[i]->m.unlock(); } if(left>0) return start(func); else return -1; } } }