// CashWorld Client Program #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GSock/gsock.h" #include "GSock/gsock_helper.h" #include "ui_helper.h" using namespace std; const string SERVER_IP = ""; const int PORT_CHECK = 59401; const int PORT_LOGIN = 59402; const int PORT_GAME = 59402; char _xtime[256]; const char* _update_xtime() { time_t t = time(NULL); strftime(_xtime, 256, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&t)); return _xtime; } FILE* _log_f = NULL; #define xlog(fmt,...) _update_xtime();fprintf(_log_f,"<%s | %s> " fmt "\n",_xtime,__func__,##__VA_ARGS__);fflush(_log_f) #define start_xlog() _log_f=fopen("log.txt","a");fprintf(_log_f,"==============================\n");fflush(_log_f) std::string user_cert_code; int update_check() { sock s; if (s.connect(SERVER_IP, PORT_CHECK) < 0) { xlog("Cannot connect to server"); return -1; } sock_helper sh(s); string response; if (sh.sendline("get_current_version") <= 0 || sh.recvline(response)<0 ) { xlog("Failed to querying version"); return -2; } istringstream istr(response); string code, version; if (!(istr >> code >> version)) { xlog("Failed to parse version code. Response: %s", response.c_str()); return -3; } if (code != "current_version") { xlog("Wrong response header. Header: %s", code.c_str()); return -4; } xlog("Server response latest version is: %s", version.c_str()); return 0; } int user_login(const char* uname,const char* upass) { sock s; if (s.connect(SERVER_IP, PORT_LOGIN) < 0) { xlog("Cannot connect to server"); return -1; } sock_helper sh(s); if (sh.sendline("user_login") < 0 || sh.sendline(uname) < 0 || sh.sendline(upass) < 0) { xlog("Failed to send data"); return -2; } string response, code; if (sh.recvline(response) <= 0 || sh.recvline(code) < 0) { xlog("Failed to recv data."); return -3; } if (response != "login_ok") { xlog("Failed to login."); return 1; } user_cert_code = code; return 0; } void readline(char* outbuff, int size) { memset(outbuff, 0, size); fgets(outbuff, size, stdin); int sz = strlen(outbuff); if (outbuff[sz - 1] == '\n') outbuff[sz - 1] = 0; } int ui_user_login() { while (true) { title("用户登录"); printf("用户名:"); fflush(stdout); char uname[1024]; readline(uname, 1024); printf("密码:"); fflush(stdout); char upass[1024]; readline(upass, 1024); title("用户登录"); printf("正在登录...\n"); int ret = user_login(uname, upass); if (ret < 0) { printf("网络错误. 无法与服务器建立链接.\n"); return -1; } else if (ret > 0) { printf("用户名或密码错误. 请重试.\n"); WaitPause(); } else return 0; } } int do_get_my_profile(char* uname,int& cash) { sock s; if (s.connect(SERVER_IP, PORT_GAME) < 0) { xlog("Cannot connect to server"); return -1; } sock_helper sh(s); if (sh.sendline("get_my_profile") < 0 || sh.sendline(user_cert_code) < 0) { return -2; } string response; if (sh.recvline(response) < 0) { return -3; } if (response != "my_profile_ok") { return -4; } string user_name; string cash_str; if (sh.recvline(user_name) <= 0 || sh.recvline(cash_str) < 0) { return -5; } strcpy(uname, user_name.c_str()); sscanf(cash_str.c_str(), "%d", &cash); return 0; } void ui_view_my_profile() { title("个人资料"); printf("正在获取个人资料...\n"); char uname[1024] = { 0 }; int cash; if (do_get_my_profile(uname, cash) < 0) { title("个人资料"); printf("无法获取个人资料.\n"); } else { title("个人资料"); printf("用户名: %s\n", uname); printf("金币数量: %d\n", cash); } WaitPause(); return; } int ui_game_guessnumber_input_gate(int& val) { title("猜数字-投入"); char uname[1024] = { 0 }; int cash = -1; do_get_my_profile(uname, cash); printf("尊敬的%s,您当前余额为%d元\n", uname, cash); printf("请输入你要投入的金钱数量,留空返回.\n"); while (true) { char xbuf[1024] = { 0 }; readline(xbuf, 1024); if (strlen(xbuf) < 1) return 0; if (sscanf(xbuf, "%d", &val) != 1 || val < 1) { printf("请输入正确的投入金钱.\n"); ClearInput(); } else break; } return 1; } int do_game_guessnumber(int val, int low, int high, int guess, int& result) { sock s; if (s.connect(SERVER_IP, PORT_GAME) < 0) { xlog("Cannot connect to server"); return -1; } sock_helper sh(s); char xbuf[1024] = { 0 }; sprintf(xbuf, "%d %d %d %d", val, low, high, guess); if (sh.sendline("game_guess_number") < 0 || sh.sendline(user_cert_code) < 0 || sh.sendline(xbuf) < 0) { return -2; } string response; string data; if (sh.recvline(response) < 0) { return -3; } if (response != "guess_number_ok") { return -4; } if (sh.recvline(data) < 0) { return -5; } if (data == "guessed") { result = 1; return 0; } else { result = 0; return 0; } } void ui_game_guessnumber_classA() { int val; if (ui_game_guessnumber_input_gate(val) == 0) { return; } int c; while (true) { title("猜数字"); printf("请输入你要猜的数字 (1-9):\n"); if (scanf("%d", &c) != 1 || c < 1 || c>9) { printf("请输入正确的数字.\n"); ClearInput(); } else break; } int result; if (do_game_guessnumber(val, 1, 9, c, result) < 0) { title("猜数字"); printf("网络异常.\n"); WaitPause(); return; } if (result) { title("猜数字"); printf("恭喜你猜中了!\n"); WaitPause(); } else { title("猜数字"); printf("很抱歉,你没能猜中!\n"); WaitPause(); } } void ui_game_guessnumber_classB() { int val; if (ui_game_guessnumber_input_gate(val) == 0) { return; } } void ui_game_guessnumber() { while (true) { title("猜数字"); printf("请选择难度, 难度越大奖励越丰厚.\n"); printf("[1] 中奖率10% 猜中奖励: 1.1\n[2] 中奖率1% 猜中奖励: 2.0\n[3] 返回\n"); int ss = GetChoice(3); switch (ss) { case 1: ui_game_guessnumber_classA(); break; case 2: ui_game_guessnumber_classB(); break; case 3: return; } } } void ui_online_chat() { } int ui_main_game() { while (true) { title("游戏大厅"); printf("[1] 查看资料\n[2] 开始游戏: 猜数字\n[3] 聊天室\n[4] 退出\n"); int ss = GetChoice(4); switch (ss) { case 1: ui_view_my_profile(); break; case 2: ui_game_guessnumber(); break; case 3: ui_online_chat(); break; case 4: return 0; } } } int main() { start_xlog(); xlog("Program Started"); title("检查更新"); printf("检查更新中,请稍等...\n"); if (update_check() < 0) { printf("无法检查更新. 请查看你的网络连接.\n"); WaitPause(); //return 0; } if (ui_user_login() < 0) { xlog("Invalid return from user login"); return 0; } xlog("User logged in. Cert code: %s\n", user_cert_code.c_str()); ui_main_game(); xlog("Program Finished Successfully."); return 0; }